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Dehaze Photos with a Few Clicks

Easily remove haze from a photo and reveal the hidden details and colors in a photography

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How To Elevate Your Visuals with Photo Dehaze?

By dehazing a photo, you can reveal hidden details, improve the overall quality of the image, and make it more visually appealing. Quickly dehaze an image in Luminar Neo using just one slider.

How Does Our Dehaze Tool Solve The Problems?

​​Find the Dehaze slider in the Landscape tool. This slider applies the perfect blend of contrast, clarity, and color adjustments to eliminate the effects of fog and haze often found in cityscapes, landscapes, and aerial photos. It’s especially helpful when editing photos shot through glass or with a lot of mist or fog in the scene.

Make a mountain view better

Defog Your Images: Leading Dehaze Photo Techniques

Haze occurs when light from the scene is scattered and absorbed by tiny particles and water droplets in the atmosphere, causing a loss of contrast, sharpness, and color saturation in the image. Dehazing techniques aim to enhance the visibility and clarity of the scene by mitigating the impact of this atmospheric interference.

Transform Dull Photos Into Brilliance With Dehazing


Explore Other Features

Luminar Neo has plenty of other features to help you edit faster and easier
Photo Retouching
© Depositphotos
Photo Retouching
Make your photos appear their best by removing distracting items.
Straighten Images
©  Bogdan Sonjachnyj
Straighten Images
Achieve perfect composition and rectify any lens using photo straightener
RAW Photo Editor
© Cuma Cevik
RAW Photo Editor
Make your RAW photos look better with Luminer Neo
Image Tinter
© Wirestock
Image Tinter
Unlock the true potential of your images through expert color correction and mood setting
Fade Image
© Lisa
Fade Image
Try our seamless fade feature to soften the colors in your photos
Selective Color
© Depositphotos
Selective Color
Utilizing selective color photography, make striking stylistic alterations and original artistic images.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to dehaze a photo?

There are different ways to dehaze a photo, but we recommend using the simple Dehaze slider in the Landscape tool of Luminar Neo. Your photo will look perfect in a few clicks!

Can I adjust the intensity of the dehaze effect?

Of course! The Dehaze tool in Luminar Neo is a slider that lets you regulate the intensity of the effect you want to apply. 

Is a dehaze filter only used for outdoor photos?

While dehaze filters are commonly used for outdoor photos due to the prevalence of atmospheric haze and fog in such environments, they are not limited exclusively to outdoor photography. Dehazing techniques can also be applied to indoor photographs or images taken in controlled environments where haze-like effects might still be present. 

Can a dehaze filter fix images with severe haze?

No matter which dehaze photo app you use, if your photo is severely ruined by haze, chances are it will be impossible to fix in a pleasing way. But it depends on the amount of haze and how many details can be recovered.