Stewart Carroll
DroneFilmGuide, 274 tisíc odběratelů
Fotograf krajiny a dronů, pedagog
Anniversary Sale offer
Anniversary Sale offer
Prozkoumejte pokročilé, ale snadno použitelné nástroje aplikace Luminar Neo, které jsou ideální pro úpravy fotografií z dronu.
Vylepšete až desítku základních ovládacích prvků včetně stínů, světel, kontrastu, tónů, sytosti, expozice a detailů.
Obnovte detaily a snadno přidejte živost nebo kontrast, abyste vylepšili své fotografie pořízené dronem za zamračeného počasí.
Pomocí nástroje EnhanceAI můžete ze své fotografie dostat to nejlepší a vytvořit základ pro další, specifičtější úpravy.
Ať už pořizujete záběry z dronu kdekoli, Luminar Neo vám pomůže vyzdvihnout to nejlepší z vašich fotografií.
30denní záruka vrácení peněz
Vynikající 4,8 z 5 na serveru Trustpilot
Luminar Neo nabízí výkonnou sadu nástrojů pro fotografování s dronem
Fotograf krajiny a dronů, pedagog
100 kreativních doplňků
Create atmospheric images with these 10 Overlays in JPEG format that contain shimmering lights and flares in various colors. Make sure to use them with Luminar Neo’s Layers and/or the Portrait Background Removal tool, and experiment with your photos in any genre. You can add an interesting light effect or make the subject stand out in new ways, all in just a few clicks. Time to try it out!
Feel like adding a touch of something extra to your photos? Discover these 10 Experimental Overlays in JPEG format that you can easily use with Luminar Neo’s Layers feature to transform any photo into a shot that catches the eye. Choose from 10 mesmerizing effects of different colors and shapes, and create a unique mood in a few clicks. From pink hues to golden circles, you’ll certainly find an Overlay perfect for your next masterpiece.
Enhance photos that you captured during a trip to Japan, or the ones that you want to have an atmospheric feeling reminiscent of the Japanese style. From landscapes, to iconic sights, to photos of food — this pack is incredibly versatile!
Designed to give your camping and hiking photos their best look, these 10 Presets are here to give your outdoor photos a natural, vibrant look. Whether you’re capturing shots of majestic mountains or cozy campfires, bring out the best in your images in one click.
Is it still Earth, or are we on an alien planet? This collection of 10 extraordinary Presets is designed to give your landscape photos an ethereal, otherworldly feel. Transform ordinary landscapes into surrealistic scenes with vivid colors that will immediately draw the viewer’s eye.
Experience the cinematic feel each of these 10 Presets adds to your photos as you journey through the countries of Latin America. Embrace the beauty and add some flair to your shots with this travel-friendly collection designed for landscapes.
Dedicated to the wonderful continent of Africa, this pack combines a variety of Presets, both for portrait and landscape shots. Enhance landmarks, safari shots, architecture photos, and portraits of people that you meet on your travels around Africa.
Create fantastic photos during your travels across the USA. Enhance images of landmarks, national parks, and general cityscapes of famous cities. Achieve various stunning effects with a few clicks of these 10 wonderful Presets.
This alluring collection of 10 Presets is designed to bring out the mysterious beauty of Middle Eastern scenery, architecture, street style, and nature. Warm-toned, deep yellow, or blue and golden — you will certainly find a Preset perfect for your photo.
Discover this wonderful collection of 10 versatile Presets that are perfect for your travel photos from Nordic countries. Capture idyllic landscapes, natural wonders, and cozy architectural shots that breathe with the Scandinavian mood. Time to pack your travel bag!
Videokurz Luminar Neo
Creative Photo Editing Techniques in Luminar Neo
Introduction & Course Outline
Albert Dros introduces himself and gives a quick overview of what you will learn in this photography and...
Introduction to Photography
What should you focus on when taking your photos to get the best results?
Basic Editing
Albert introduces the layout of Luminar Neo and the basic instruments you can use to achieve great results instantly.
Advanced Editing
Going in depth, Albert shows you the more advanced tools in Luminar Neo and how to use them to make your photos stand out.
Dramatic Editing
Get creative with your photos! Albert edits a photo with more creative tools to bring forward its dramatic aspects and breathe new life into it.
Stupňování zaostření
Luminar Neo has Extensions that let you get even more impressive results. In this video, you will learn how to do focus stacking with Luminar Neo’s Focus Stacking Extension.
What makes or breaks a cityscape shot? Take a look at how to transform a photo from Dubai from ordinary to impressive.
Find out what Luminar Neo tools Albert uses to make his impressive signature forest photos. Look out for Atmosphere AI, Sunrays, and other tools!
Learn to use Presets to quickly get interesting color solutions in your photos. Albert guides you through using Presets to make even more beautiful forest shots.
Course Summary
Get a quick summary of everything you have learned in this course. Happy creating!
Albert Dros
Albert Dros is a Dutch landscape photographer who has an extraordinary passion to plan and create unique shots. Volcanoes, solar eclipses and unique aspects of nature draw his attention. He doesn’t just go for the simple shot.
"Go big or go home" is his motto, always trying to add some unique element to his shots.
His work has been recognized on a worldwide scale and he has been published worldwide in the biggest media outlets.
Albert travels a lot as a photo educator but also for personal projects. But even in The Netherlands, he can’t stop photographing. His inspiration never stops.
Zde je seznam souborů, které software Luminar Neo pro úpravu dronů podporuje.
Luminar Neo nabízí řadu funkcí pro všechny druhy úprav, nejen pro služby úprav leteckých snímků. Pro úpravy fotografií z dronů se však budou hodit zejména funkce Spojování panoramat, VylepšeníAI a HDR sloučení.
Luminar Neo obsahuje nejlepší funkce softwaru AirMagic a zároveň poskytuje ještě více nástrojů a možností úprav, které povznesou vaše fotografie na novou úroveň.
Ano! Software Luminar Neo pro úpravu fotografií z dronů je kompatibilní se systémy Windows i Mac.
Samozřejmě! Pokud máte jakékoli dotazy, kontaktujte nás zde.