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Ciels Brûlants

Ciels by Edin Chavez

$ 25 .00

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À propos

Win Magsino, photographe de paysage aux multiples distinctions, vous inspire pour créer des images superbes grâce à cette collection de 25 levers et couchers de soleil texturés par des formations nuageuses époustouflantes. À la fois intensément fougueux et étonnamment oniriques, ces ciels forcent l'admiration grâce à leurs tons vifs et saturés qui transforment toute scène pour un projet personnel ou commercial en spectacle magnifique. Chaque image est disponible en haute résolution aux formats TIFF et JPEG.


25 skies in TIFF and JPEG formats.


Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop

Obtenez des photos comme celles-ci

À l'aide des fichiers RAW fournis, vous pourrez facilement appliquer les conseils en matière de retouche et découvrir comment obtenir des photos comme celles-ci.

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Edin Chavez

Photographer. Skylum Ambassador

Edin Chavez is a world-renowned commercial photographer based out of Miami Beach, Florida.

His unique view of the world helps him give a creative twist to his images. Edin has worked with some of the most influential brands such as National Geographic, Nikon, and Corona.

He understands that the customer is the single most valuable asset an organization can have, and with his laser focus and passion for photography, the sky is the limit.

Edin is an animal lover, and in his free time, he loves to walk barefoot on the beach with his dog, travel around the globe, and write about it on his blog.

He also enjoys anything with a motor, including motorcycles and fast cars.                          

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