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City Lights LUTs(7)
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Create a little mystery and intensify the mood with this collection of moody LUTs. Enhance your photos with softening black accents, moody vibes, and compelling mystery to mesmerize your audience.


Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop , Aperty

Ottieni foto come queste

Utilizzando i file RAW forniti, potrai mettere facilmente in pratica i consigli di ritocco e imparare a ottenere foto come queste.

© Liu Fuyu
City Lights LUTs(39)
City Lights LUTs(40)>
Prima Dopo
© Wonwoo Lee
City Lights LUTs(41)
City Lights LUTs(42)>
Prima Dopo
© mkos83
City Lights LUTs(43)
City Lights LUTs(44)>
Prima Dopo
© LightField Studios
City Lights LUTs(45)
City Lights LUTs(46)>
Prima Dopo
© Florian Wehde
City Lights LUTs(47)
City Lights LUTs(48)>
Prima Dopo
© Luca Bravo
City Lights LUTs(49)
City Lights LUTs(50)>
Prima Dopo

La storia

© Florian Wehde

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Jakub Bors

Co-Founder of Clever Photographer

Jakub Bors is a UK-based landscape photographer with over 15 years of experience in digital art and technology. He’s most inspired by the work of Trey Ratcliff and Scott Kelby. Jakub has a large and supportive fanbase on social media, sells prints of fine art photography worldwide, has worked for PX500 and Trivago on their European projects, and has had his work published in several magazines including Practical Photography. His passion for traveling has brought Jakub to almost every corner of the planet and helped him connect with amazing people. 

City Lights LUTs(65)